My Services

Introspective Hypnosis

I was trained in this technic by two Master hypnotherapist, Antonio Sangio and Alba Weinman.

Introspective Hypnosis is a healing method based on Aurelio Mejia technics. Today, Antonio Sangio is a practitioner and teacher of this method. This method is not based on asking questions to your Higher-Self.

Instead, it focuses on working with the soul in the search for answers and origins of the current symptoms. It’s a method that combines hypnosis with the dynamics of forgiveness and spirituality to achieve changes in behaviors and provide relief . Introspective Hypnosis also helps people journey in search of the origin of any psychosomatic symptom such as pain, sadness, depression, fear, phobias, relationship issues, addictions, etc.

Introspective Hypnosis also helps spirits that might be attached to our client’s energy field causing them issues. This technic not only helps incarnated spirits, but also disembodied ones through entity releasement.

Introspective Hypnosis combines:

  • Ericksonian Hypnosis

  • Forgiveness Therapy

  • Role Change

  • Past Life Regression

  • Soul Entrapment

  • Soul Fragmentation

  • Regression to the Womb

  • Spirit Assistance also called Spirit Releasement

BQH -Beyond Quantum Healing

World-renown master hypnotherapist Candace Craw-Goldman created this heart-based method which focuses on a creative, energetic approach to assist clients in self-healing through a connection to their higher divine consciousness.

Candace Craw-Goldman worked closely with Dolores Cannon for many years as Dolores developed her classes and wrote her books. Helene received IN-PERSON training by Candace Craw-Goldman in Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) in her private studio in Augusta, Kansas.

BQH is a flexible and highly adaptable “Service to Others” concept/framework/modality. Its foundation is based upon the classic past life regression model. BQH has been called guided visualization, dreamwork or soul travel. BQH focuses on intention and consciousness expansion and has no rigid scripts or rules.

All of these words and descriptions are human words to describe this scenario: You lay back, close your eyes and enter a deep, day-dream state that is relevant to your situation today.

What is Indirect Hypnosis?

Indirect hypnosis was created by Dr. Milton Erickson. A prominent American psychiatrist and psychologist, Erickson is widely regarded as the “father of hypnotherapy”. His discoveries have influenced a wide spectrum of therapy from strategic family therapy to NLP/neuro-linguistic programming.

Indirect hypnosis is a subtle, more respectful method for hypnosis. It is considered as a more ethical and effective alternative for clinical settings than direct hypnosis (giving suggestions), which can be met with resistance.

It comes in the form of well crafted, open ended questions so the client can come to their own truth and conclusions, and not from suggestions implanted by me.

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