Payment will need to be made at the time of scheduling the appointment .If you need to cancel or postpone your appointment, please give at least 48 hrs. notice.
If you fail to cancel within this timeframe or fail to show for an appointment you will be charged the full fee, or have the session count as one of your packages sessions.
Everyone's situation is different, so it is best to email me about your own background, but in general if you have profound fears, have suffered extensive or ritualistic abuse or severe trauma or have lived in a war-zone, an in-person session may be a better option for you than one conducted online. In addition some people are simply more comfortable in the same physical space with their practitioner. I love doing in-person sessions too!
Some call it the over-soul or subconscious. It’s a perfected part of YOU - Your Higher Self knows everything there is to know about you and the life you are living now. The Higher Self will only choose to share information that is appropriate and of benefit to you.
No, your Higher Self mind will never act against your best interests or values.
No one can control your mind unless you let them! At no point during your session will you lose control of what is happening. Your subconscious mind will automatically reject anything that it deems unacceptable.
The hypnotic state is a feeling of deep relaxation while being aware of all the surroundings and having full control over your body.
Our natural brain waves fluctuate between different states throughout the day and night. With hypnosis, the brain will typically fall into an Alpha or Theta brain wave state.
We actually all drop into hypnotic state all the time doing activities that induce flow such as driving, reading a book, scrolling on our phones or watching an interesting movie.
The hypnotic trance state is a feeling of deep relaxation while being aware of all the surroundings and having full control over your body.
Actually very little is different at all. The most important consideration between choosing between an in-person and an online session is your background and comfort level.
No. In certain types of sessions, we only visit memories from your current lifetime (i.e. Childhood or the womb). When it comes to what is defined as a ‘past life’, it doesn't matter if it is your imagination creating a story, analogy or a metaphor or recalling an ‘actual’ event.
What is important is that it helps you in a way that is insightful. Your soul will take you to where you need to heal during your session.
This is an often-asked question and the answer is, no, it is not recommended for a variety of reasons and only in the most rare of circumstances would it ever be appropriate. If you would feel more comfortable with a family member nearby, perhaps in another room, that is something altogether different and of course that is okay.
It should be stressed that the subconscious mind has a built-in mechanism that only permits you to experience what you are ready to experience. So, even if it is our intention to uncover traumatic memories, you will not experience them if you are not ready to experience them.